Guide to Resources in New Hampshire
Resources for Youth in the New Hampshire area
The SYSC Resource Guide links you to services and programs in your community that supports health, wellness, and overall well-being. These resources are intended to help in building a network that will enable and empower you to become a Stronger Youth and help us to create a Stronger Community. We hope that you will engage them as needed and share these contacts with friends, family, neighbors, and peers as tools to address the various challenges that you and others may face today or in the future.
Use the Icons to identify which resources fit your needs:
Community Support
Health & Wellness
Jobs & Training
ICON | Organization Name | Services Offered | Weblink |
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211 |
New Hampshire’s first statewide, comprehensive, information and referral service. Be connected, at no cost, with trained Information and Referral Specialists who can provide health and human service information needed to get help, give help or discover options. New Hampshire residents dial 211 | |
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Headrest Inc. |
Professionally trained and supervised counselors offer callers telephone support and help them to explore options that allow them to think through their next steps. Hotline Counselors also provide referrals for support groups, clinicians, mental health clinics, other hotlines and a host of other community programs and services. Toll Free Teenline 1-800-639-6095 | |
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The Samaritans, Inc |
Designed to reduce emotional distress, despair, or feelings of isolation through community education and outreach programs in the Monadnock Region as well as support those in crisis while maintaining confidentiality and anonymity. Toll Free in NH: 866-457-2910 | |
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Callers are connected with, or can leave a message for, a trained NAMI NH staff. These individuals can help answer questions and provide specific information on NAMI NH programs and supports. They can also provide contact information for local community and national resources. Please note: This is not a hotline or a crisis service, but is a phone line for families and individuals affected by mental illness/emotional disorders. Email: Telephone: 1-800-242-6264 | |
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American Foundation for Suicide Prevention New Hampshire |
Focused on eliminating the loss of life from suicide by: delivering innovative prevention programs, educating the public, raising funds for suicide research and programs, and reaching out to those who have lost someone to suicide. Email: Telephone: (603) 318-6517 | |
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Life Under Construction |
A social networking site on FACEBOOK facilitated by a young adult. This site provides information, support and resources to assist teens and youth with emotional disorders/mental illness transition successfully into adulthood. You’ll also find information about how teens and young adults can get involved and connect with leadership opportunities that can influence policies in mental health, education and other related areas. | |
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Communities for Alcohol and Drug-Free Youth (CADY) |
Comprehensive, outcome-based substance abuse prevention via extensive collaborations, implementation of environmental prevention strategies, and development of award-winning, youth empowerment programming. Email: Telephone: 603-536-9793 | |
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Community Mental Health Centers (by region) |
The Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs) are located in 10 regions of New Hampshire. They are private not-for-profit agencies that have contracted with the NH Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Behavioral Health (BBH), to provide publicly funded mental health services to individuals and families who meet certain criteria for services
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Conway (Region 1) Northern Human Services 5 North Country Locations: Lebanon (Region 2) West Central Behavioral Health (WCBH)
Laconia (Region 3) Lakes Regional Mental Health
Concord (Region 4) Riverbend Community Mental Health Riverbend Mobile Crisis: 1-844 -7-HELP4U (1-844 -743-5748)
Keene (Region 5) 603.357.4400
Nashua (Region 6) Greater Nashua Mental Health Center
Manchester (Region 7) Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester
Portsmouth (Region 8) Seacoast Mental Health Center Emergency Services: Call either 603.431.6703 or 603.772.2710 Dover (Region 9) Community Partners
Salem (Region 10) Center for Life Management Emergency After Hours: 603.432.2253 |